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Ways to Fill Your Holidays (Cuffing Season Survival Guide 102)

Writer's picture: Lexi KennedyLexi Kennedy

Happy 2018 Dear Readers!

We talked a little bit about cuffing season in my last post and I mentioned that instead of filling the void with all kinds of toxic stuff (Lifetime movies, food binging, alcohol, meaningless flings, fill in your blank here ____________), I'm surrounding myself with positive people and living my glass-half-full, golden life to the fullest.

So for those that requested a list, here's a starting point for you. But don't stop here, think outside of the box and do something that works for YOU, something that brings YOU joy! And you can do these with friends, accountability partners, siblings, etc, whatever you do, don't pick up the phone and call that ex. Okay? Okay! Let's goooooo:

  1. Read a new book (Try "I Am #8" by John Gray; "I-Factor" by Van Moody; "Wholeness" by Toure Roberts, "Prepare and Position Yourself Devotional" by Charissa T or ask a friend for a recommendation) .

  2. Start/join a book club (Get with friends, converse and grow together)

  3. Grocery shop for an elderly or sick neighbor.

  4. Join a gym.

  5. Start a new work out regiment. Tired of the treadmill? Try yoga. Or Karate. Or aerial silks. Or pilates. Or Zumba. Or kickboxing. Or spinning. The possibilities are endless.

  6. Journal. "Better out than in," is what the old folks say. Try writing about your day, your prayers or your dreams. You'd be surprised how therapeutic it can be and how fulfilling it will be to look back 3 years from now and see how much you've changed and grown. Journaling not your thing? Try blogging:

  7. Start a blog. I bet you've got a talent or gift the world would definitely love for you to share? Are you a singer? Blog about your adventures or offer vocal advice? Collect coins? Blog about your exciting treasure hunts. Great at thrifting and upcycling? Blog about your discoveries or creations. Is decorating your gift? Share that with the world. Couponing? Poetry? Teaching? Dancing? Gardening? Whatever it is, there is someone out there just waiting for you to get started and write about it!

  8. Coffee break with friends. And it doesn't have to be coffee. Meet with your friends or accountability partners for a smoothie, coffee or tea. Catch up in real life instead of keeping up with each other's time line.

  9. Hike or nature walk: Put down the remote (and social media) and get out of the house!

  10. Learn a new recipe. and are my go-to's when I'm ready to try something different. Always making chicken? Try a new tilapia recipe. Fish not your thing? Google "easy appetizers" and see what comes up. And while we're getting our hands dirty

  11. Plant a garden.

  12. Get Locked in - Check out an escape room. With witty names such as "Locked in," or "BreakOut," these trendy spaces give you clues and time you and your friends to see how long or IF you can get out.

  13. Try a new restaurant. Get out of that rut. Your city has countless hidden culinary jewels you haven't even tried yet. My friend and I actually started a food scavenger hunt this year. We have a list of over 30 restaurants we'd never heard of that we plan to try before 2019 and just for fun, got a journal to track and rate our food experiences. All my foodies know what I mean!

  14. Clean out your closets/junk drawers. Decluttering your life actually helps declutter the mind, believe it or not. Don't forget to donate gently used items to those in need.

  15. Write to veterans and service men and women. Thank them for their service and send an uplifting word or two.

  16. Take a couponing class. Why? Because coupon gurus can show you tips you may not have known existed. and 2. Saving those extra coins can come in handy for a 

  17. Mini-road trip. Gas up and travel one state over and see what adventures await you. For me, there are still parts and places of Tenneessee and Georgia I have yet to enjoy. What about you? Gas up and spend the day getting to know more about your neighboring state. 

  18. Create a vision board. Got goals? Got dreams? Put 'em down on paper! Bonus points if after you create your board, you create an action plan toward reaching them......

  19. Serve at your local salvation army, shelter, kitchen, or pantry.

  20. Pamper yourself. If it's in the budget, have a mini spa day. A massage, a mani cure, even a nice warm candle lit bath at home.

  21. Catch a movie. 

  22. Send care packages to nursing homes (socks, blankets, or call your local home and see what are the needs of its residents.

  23. While you're at it, visit a local nursing home. See if there are any volunteer opportunities available. My church even has an opportunity to play Bingo with senior citizens pretty often. You'd be surprised how our visit can brighten someone's day.

  24. Start your side hustle.  Turn your passion into pay. I have a friend who is excellent at making jewelry. Another who is great at event planning. Another skilled at decorating. One who paints. Another who is great at styling hair. One who plays the piano and now gives lessons. Tutor. Drive for uber or lyft. Create custom cakes. Turn your talent into treasure!

  25. Collect goodies/care packages/toiletries/ coloring books for hospitals. You should contact your local hospital FIRST to find what items are acceptable.

  26. Have a clothing swap/trunk party. Invite friends to come over and bring 2-3 gently used items/accessories. Swap items, swap stories, have potluck and make a whole night out of it.

  27. Get your Feng Shui on. Paint, redecorate a room. Check pinterest for creative ways to reinvent your space inexpensively.  

  28. Write (or revisit) your daily confessions. I have a list of affirmations I speak over myself daily. If you haven't created yours start with something like, "I am strong, I am created with a purpose. I can handle anything that comes my way. I am victorious. I am a world changer. I am loved." If you already your daily confessions, consider revisiting them and adding a line or two as you grow.

  29. Face a fear. For me it's public speaking, so I've accepted a few opportunities to help me break that fear this year. What's yours? Rollercoasters? Try visiting your local theme park or zipline park. Drowing? Take a swim class. Rejection? Try calling that person you hurt to apologize and gain closure. Change? Try a new hair color or shoe style. Fear heights? Book a flight and take a trip! 

  30. Paint and sip. In my city we have several venues (Sips and Strokes, Painting with a Twist, Pinot and Palette), that allow even the most novice artist to feel like Picasso. You're provided with a canvas, paint, an instructor and a fun atmosphere and all you provide is your own beverages for a night of laughter and yes, there's some painting involved too. I blogged about my experience here ( 

  31. Professional Development. Get your GED, go back to school, get your license, get some extra credits. This accountant is currently studying for her CPA. What other credentials can you seek to advance your field?

  32. Learn a new language. Go to your local library to see if they have any cd's or dvd's you can listen to throughout the day. Then check to see if they offer workshops where you can practice what you've learned with other beginners. My library offers these once a month for FREE!

  33. Take a class -Calligraphy, pottery, cake decorating, clogging, aerial silks.....your options are limitless!

  34. Give a class - What are you good at? What talents do you have that you can pour into others? I have a friend who is a cosmetologist who teaches how to contour and highlight. I have another who is a photographer? Another who is a sound engineer? Can you carve out some time to share your knowledge with others who can to grow like you?

  35. Have Game Night  Monopoloy, checkers, spades, speed, Connect 4, Twister. Adult game night brings out the kid in all of us.

  36. Have a Pajama Party- Rent a redbox, grab popcorn and cookie dough and invite the girls over. My friends and I rented a suite and wore our onesies and stayed up all night catching up and laughing and dancing. Yes, this was recently. Yes as 30-something adults. And let me tell you, Onesie Night was one of the most memorable nights of my life.

Pajama Night in with the Girls

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